TTL_PAPERS 951201 (November 1995)

The TTL_PAPERS unit we released at the IEEE/ACM Supercomputing conference in November 1994 was a sanitized and improved version of the earlier 4-processor TTL_PAPERS units. Likewise, the TTL_PAPERS 951201 which we will be releasing at Supercomputing 1995 is an improved version of the modularly scalable 8-processor TTL_PAPERS 950801.

None of the changes from TTL_PAPERS 950801 is particularly dramatic, but there are dozens of incremental improvements. Many of these improvements relate to the electrical and mechanical properties of the board, but a few extensions have been made to the functionality. Although TTL_PAPERS 951201 only supports a tree fan-out of four at each level (versus five for the 950801 design), there is no need for additional drivers and all four board configurations are supported without major wiring changes. There is also a new interface on the board that facilitates connection of external logic to support real-time control applications (e.g., an external timer or sensor can trigger a barrier).

When will more details on the TTL_PAPERS 951201 design be publically available? At and after our Supercomputing 1995 research exhibit, December 5-7, 1995.... Until then, here's a peek inside:

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