EE599/EE699 Class Registration CGI

Welcome! Use this page to identify yourself to the EE599/EE699 CGI server that you will use for all your assignments....

You must fill-out all the fields. You must have an email address that will be valid throughout the semester to use this server; contact Prof. Dietz directly if you do not have an appropriate email address. Remember the precise email address and password that you use, including capitalization -- these will be needed when you submit future assignments.

Your name is .
Your email address is .
You want your password to be .
Confirm the above by typing your password again: .

Type your "section"; 1 for EE599, 2 for EE699:

Although this is not a secure server, users are bound by the UK code of conduct not to abuse the system. Any abuses will be dealt with as serious offenses. Computer Systems