Henry Dietz
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Center for Visualization & Virtual Environments
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0046
Original February 22, 2021, Latest Update February 22, 2021
This document should be cited using something like the bibtex entry:
@techreport{covered20210221, author={Henry Dietz}, title={{Covered safe entry scanner}}, month={February}, day={22}, year={2021}, institution={University of Kentucky}, howpublished={Aggregate.Org online technical report}, URL={http://aggregate.org/DIT/LC/} }
The primary publication on this is Mask recognition in the covered safe entry scanner, which is a preprint of the Electronic Imaging 2021 paper by Henry Dietz presented January 19, 2021. We will link to the official copy once it is posted. The oral presentation slides provide a detailed overview.
STLs will be posted shortly.
Software will be posted shortly.