PinKY Reference: EE480 Advanced Computer Architecture

Instruction set design is hard. Prof. Dietz has designed dozens of instruction sets in the three decades he's been a professor, and it still isn't easy for him to get things right. Thus, rather than giving you complete freedom to design your own instruction set, we're going to walk through the design logic for a reasonably well-crafted one that he built specifically for Fall 2018 EE480. However, this design is not complete -- each student must devise their own encoding of the instructions implement their own assembler.

PinKY Overview

PinKY is a somewhat strained acronym for PINkie from KentuckY. PINkie? Well, there's ARM, then there is the Thumb subset, and now there's PinKY. If instead it reminds you of this, well, that's OK too. The key point is that it is a very simple little architecture with a variety of similarities to ARM.

Before we get started on this, let's just be completely clear: ARM is not a simple instruction set. Want proof? Here is a six-page "reference card." The instructions are fixed length, but encoding is a mess. So, PinKY isn't really an ARM subset, but more a simple design having some ARM-like features and using ARM assembly language constructs where that isn't awkward.

In any case, PinKY is a 16-bit machine. Everything is 16 bits wide: instructions, addresses, data -- even floating-point data. It isn't even byte-addressed for memory. In fact, a little C-subset compiler for PinKY might even treat char, short, int, and float as all being 16 bits long. Beyond the desire to greatly simplify everything, the 16-bit encoding is the major source of compromises in PinKY.

PinKY Conditionals

Perhaps the most distinctive aspect of ARM instructions is the extensive use of condition codes, including allowing their use as predicates to conditionally execute instructions. Giving a condition name as a suffix of the instruction name makes the instruction execute only if the given condition is true. There is also an additional suffix, S, that specifies the marked instruction should set condition codes. These suffixes can be applied to any instruction. In PinKY, the condition code structure is simplified to just four suffixes:

Suffix Meaning Example
none Unconditionally execute; Zero flag is not altered ADD
S Unconditionally execute and set condition; the Zero flag is set to (result==0) ADDS
EQ Execute only if Zero==1; Zero flag is not altered ADDEQ
NE Execute only if Zero==0; Zero flag is not altered ADDNE

PinKY General-Purpose Registers

PinKY essentially has the same 16 registers seen in user-mode ARM, but each is only 16 bits wide, not 32 bits. The registers are named in the obvious way, as r0 through r15. However, there are also special names for a few registers, but this isn't like MIPS -- register 0 isn't special.

The stack pointer, sp, which points below the last valid entry on the stack
The link register, lr, which holds the return address
The program counter, pc
You can reference any of these registers by number instead of by name. However, here is an AIK specification of the names:
.const {r0	r1	r2	r3	r4	r5	r6	r7
	r8	r9	r10	r11	r12	r13	r14	r15
	13	sp	14	lr	15	pc}

PinKY Operand2

The ARM instruction set allows Operand2 to be either a register or a constant immediate value. Well, so does PinKY. However, because each PinKY instruction is only 16 bits long (not 32), there just isn't space for a big constant. Thus, PinKY does something funky: it uses a modal instruction. Actually, ARM is unusual in having some modal instructions of it's own, so maybe this isn't so unnatural for an ARM-like processor after all?

A register operand can be specified in the obvious way -- by naming the register. For example, r13, sp, or even 9+4, would mean register 13. A constant operand is specified using a # character as a prefix. For example, #13, or #9+4, would represent the constant 13. The catch is: constants are normally sign-extended 4-bit vaues, which means that you can have values from -8 to +7. Sadly, 13 isn't in that range. So, how does this work?

If the constant specified is in range, it is in fact to be encoded as a 4-bit number in the instruction. However, if it does not fit, the top 12 bits are to be encoded in a PRE instruction. In other words, and instruction written as:

ADD r1,#0x1234

Would actually be encoded as the two-instruction sequence:

PRE #0x123
ADD r1,#0x4

The PRE instruction simply overrides the usual sign extension for the next instruction with a constant Operand2. Yeah, it's weird, but it is also very flexible. Incidentally, yes, you can have PREEQ and PRENE. However, it doesn't make sense to apply the S suffix to PRE.

PinKY Instructions

The ARM instruction set is probably the least RISCy RISC instruction set ever created. In fact, it is a complex mess. Yes, I did just say that in writing. It's a fact -- especially when you include Thumb and Jazelle. Well, PinKY is designed to be a lot less messy. Unfortunately, that means that some ARM features, such as the ability to have shift/rotate of an operand to an instruction, just aren't in PinKY. will often take more PinKY instructions to do anything. Despite that, PinKY does feel like ARM. For example, not only can all instructions be executed conditionally, but every instruction allows a constant instead of a register for the second operand.

Instruction Description Functionality Suffix Forms
ADD Rd, Op2 ADD integers Rd += Op2 ADD, ADDS, ADDEQ, ADDNE
AND Rd, Op2 Bitwise AND integers Rd &= Op2 AND, ANDS, ANDEQ, ANDNE
BIC Rd, Op2 BItwise Clear integers Rd &= ~Op2 BIC, BICS, BICEQ, BICNE
EOR Rd, Op2 Bitwise Exclusive OR integers Rd ^= Op2 EOR, EORS, EOREQ, EORNE
FTOI Rd, Op2 Convert Float TO Integer Rd = ((int)Op2) FTOI, FTOIS, FTOIEQ, FTOINE
ITOF Rd, Op2 Convert Integer TO Float Rd = ((float)Op2) ITOF, ITOFS, ITOFEQ, ITOFNE
LDR Rd, [Op2] LoaD word into Register Rd = memory[Op2] LDR, LDRS, LDREQ, LDRNE
MOV Rd, Op2 MOVe (copy) into register Rd = Op2 MOV, MOVS, MOVEQ, MOVNE
MUL Rd, Op2 MULtiply integers Rd *= Op2 MUL, MULS, MULEQ, MULNE
MULF Rd, Op2 MULtiply floats Rd *= Op2 MULF, MULFS, MULFEQ, MULFNE
ORR Rd, Op2 Bitwise OR Register? integers Rd |= Op2 ORR, ORRS, ORREQ, ORRNE
PRE #constant Constant PREfix prefix = constant PRE, PREEQ, PRENE
RECF Rd, Op2 RECiprocal Float Rd = 1.0/Op2 RECF, RECFS, RECFEQ, RECFNE
SHA Rd, Op2 SHift Arithmetic signed integers Rd = ((Op2>0) ? Rd<<Op2 : Rd>>-Op2) SHA, SHAS, SHAEQ, SHANE
STR Rd, [Op2] STore Register memory[Op2] = Rd STR, STRS, STREQ, STRNE
SLT Rd, Op2 Set Less Than integers Rd = (Rd<Op2) SLT, SLTS, SLTEQ, SLTNE
SUB Rd, Op2 SUBtract integers Rd -= Op2 SUB, SUBS, SUBEQ, SUBNE
SUBF Rd, Op2 SUBtract Floats Rd -= Op2 SUBF, SUBFS, SUBFEQ, SUBFNE
SYS SYStem call invokes operating system; halts simulation SYS, SYSEQ, SYSNE

This instruction set is complete enough that I hope to be giving you a compiler (including full C source code) that translates programs written in a little dialect of C into PinKY code. It's not going to be a particularly smart compiler (ok, it's really dumb), but it will show you how PinKY can be used for complete programs.

You might have noticed that the above instruction set doesn't have any control flow instructions, such as branches. Well, actually, it does -- it's called ADD. If you want to branch on equality to location lab, you would execute ADDEQ pc,#(lab-.). Strange, eh?

Some Encoding Hints

Determining how to encode the above instructions as bit patterns is a key part of your project. However, there are a few rules:

I bet you're also a bit worried about those floating-point values. Well, don't worry. They simply get entered as the appropriate bit patterns, typically in hexadecimal. You also will not need to implement the floating-point arithmetic until the last project.

Change Log

The hope was that everything would be perfect, but I have made one change since announcing PinKY on Sept. 14. As of Sept. 17, the MVN instruction has been dropped and NEG has been added; both are ARM instructions, but negate is more useful than not.

EE480 Advanced Computer Architecture.