August 1994

International Conference on Parallel Processing

Our first public demonstration of PAPERS was at the International Conference on Parallel Processing in August 1994, but things were very informally arranged. Originally, we had hoped to demo a cluster as part of our presentation of the paper on the new barrier mechanism, but instead we were given permission to demo our PAPERS cluster off to one side during the wine and cheese party.

That cluster, shown above, consisted of Four IBM ValuePoint 486DX 33MHz running Linux connected by both the second TTL_PAPERS prototype and PAPERS1. We simply placed everything on a standard AV cart and wheeled it into the wine and chesse party. The party was noisy, so demonstrations were difficult, but this was the first full public demonstration of PAPERS.

The next public demonstration of PAPERS at a conference was November 1994 at IEEE/ACM Supercomputing.

The Aggregate. The only thing set in stone is our name.