The Aggregate at IEEE/ACM SC2000

The centerpiece of our SC2000 research exhibit was the KRAA Z-MP, a sub-$10,000 supercomputer integrating all the hardware and software tricks that we have developed to improve the performance of PC clusters.

The CFD-on-KLAT2 team: Thomas Hauser, Tim Mattox, Ray LeBeau, Hank Dietz, and George Huang

The KRAA Z-MP research exhibit team: Tim Mattox, Bill Dieter, Hank Dietz, Thomas Hauser, Todd Willey, Harry Peiris, and Jim Lumpp

With this exhibit, The Aggregate's move from being based at Purdue University to being based at the University of Kentucky is complete. Although an increasing variety of institutions still collaborate with The Aggregate, all of the new technology is now originating in Lexington, KY.

The next public demonstration of "The Aggregate" has not happened yet. Click here to go back to the main listing.

The Aggregate. The only thing set in stone is our name.