EE599 Assignment 2: Where The Data Are

This is a simple assignment for EE599 students only. Rewrite the following code so the same operations are performed, but not necessarily in the same order or with the same memory layout. You should be able to see a significant speedup.

The Computation

Here's the code:

static	int tbegin;

#define	TBEGIN	\
	tbegin = clock();
#define	TEND	\
	printf("%d\n", (clock() - tbegin));

#define	DIM	256

double	a[DIM][DIM];

struct {
	double	b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
} cdehbgf[DIM][DIM];

#define	a(x,y)	a[x][y]
#define	b(x,y)	cdehbgf[x][y].b
#define	c(x,y)	cdehbgf[x][y].c
#define	d(x,y)	cdehbgf[x][y].d
#define	e(x,y)	cdehbgf[x][y].e
#define	f(x,y)	cdehbgf[x][y].f
#define	g(x,y)	cdehbgf[x][y].g
#define	h(x,y)	cdehbgf[x][y].h

	int i, j, k;

	for (i=0; i<DIM; ++i) {
		for (j=0; j<DIM; ++j) {
			c(i,j) = 0.0;
			for (k=0; k<DIM; ++k) {
				c(i,j) += a(i,k) * f(k,j);
			d(i,j) = e(i,j) + h(i,j);
			g(j,i) += b(j,i);


Due Dates & Such

This project is due by 11:59PM, Friday, April 18, 2003. Submit the following:

Submission Form

Submit a tarball of your project here:

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Advanced Program Optimization & Parallelization.