slide 27 of 37

Compute Pi Using PVM


#define NPROC	4

main(int argc,
char **argv)
  register double lsum, width;
  double sum;
  register int intervals, i; 
  int mytid, iproc, msgtag = 4;
  int tids[NPROC];  /* array of task ids */

  /* enroll in pvm */
  mytid = pvm_mytid();

  /* Join a group and, if I am the first instance,
     iproc=0, spawn more copies of myself
  iproc = pvm_joingroup("pi");

  if (iproc == 0) {
    tids[0] = pvm_mytid();
    pvm_spawn("pvm_pi", &argv[1], 0, NULL, NPROC-1, &tids[1]);
  /* make sure all processes are here */
  pvm_barrier("pi", NPROC);

  /* get the number of intervals */
  intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
  width = 1.0 / intervals;

  lsum = 0.0;
  for (i = iproc; i<intervals; i+=NPROC) {
    register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
    lsum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
  /* sum across the local results & scale by width */
  sum = lsum * width;
  pvm_reduce(PvmSum, &sum, 1, PVM_DOUBLE, msgtag, "pi", 0);

  /* have only the console PE print the result */
  if (iproc == 0) {
    printf("Estimation of pi is %14.12lf\n", sum);

  /* Check program finished, leave group, exit pvm */
  pvm_barrier("pi", NPROC);