E-Day 2025 in Electrical and Computer Engineering

E-Day, 10AM-2PM February 22, 2025
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Welcome to the Electrical and Computer Engineering E-Day 2025 Open House self-guided tour! We are the departmental home of the Electrical Engineering BS, MS, and PhD programs and the Computer Engineering BS program. We also work with the Computer Science department to offer Computer Engineering MS and PhD programs. Here is a convenient list of ECE-related exhibits, where they are, and the age group for which each is most appropriate. Each exhibit is color coded for age: Any age, Middle School and up, High School and up.

FPAT (F. Paul Anderson Tower) First Floor

ECE Welcome and Prize Table: get this sheet, collect a prize!
You need to get check marks from visiting at least six (6) of the following exhibits to claim a prize. One entry per person.

FPAT (F. Paul Anderson Tower) Fourth Floor

Intelligent Machines and Brain, NISP Lab, Prof . Bae; Clip Lab, Prof. Sanchez Giraldo, room 455
RoboKats: Powered by High School Students, Driven by Innovation, IEEE Student Branch and Dr. Hannemann, room 460
Snap Circuits, IEEE Student Branch and Dr. Hannemann, make simple circuits that do cool things, room 462 or 473

FPAT (F. Paul Anderson Tower) Fourth Floor

Does this compute?, Aggregate.Org, Prof. Dietz and Dr. Eberhart, computers inside things (as Seen on TV!)
How does a Quantum Computer solve a problem?, Aggregate.Org, Prof. Dietz and Dr. Eberhart, see Q-bits in action and get a Q-bit, solve a maze (as Seen on TV!)
Speedboating: Making the Fastest 3D Printer, Aggregate.Org, Prof. Dietz and Dr. Eberhart, get a custom-printed bracelet (as Seen on TV!)
MakerSpace, ECE Engineering Prototyping and Invention Center (EPIC lab), Manager Mandzy, see how ECEs build stuff and get something 3D printed, room 551
IEEE Lexington Section, local chapter of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers

FPAT (F. Paul Anderson Tower) Sixth Floor

The World of Electromagnetics, Prof. Adams and Young, room 682




Grehan Basement

Electric Power Components and Systems, Prof. Liao and Cramer, room 002
Part 2: You got the Power!, Power and Energy Institute of Kentucky, Prof. Ionel, room 020

Grehan First Floor

Collaborative Robot & Human Motion Capture, Intelligent Robotic Arms (IRA) Lab, Prof. Xie, control a robot arm (as Seen on TV!), room 105
Little LED Flashlights, UK Energy Club
Part 1: You got the Power!, SPARK Lab, Prof. Ionel room 120

OHR (Oliver Raymond) Basement

3D Virtual Sandbox, Prof. Lau / Souleyrette Lab, make mountains and volcanoes

RGAN (Ralph G. Anderson) First Floor

FLL Lego Robotics Exhibition Match, Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society) and Prof. Walcott, First Lego League robots competing, commons
FTC FIRST Robot, Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society) and Prof. Walcott, commons
Future Cities Exhibit, Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society) and Prof. Walcott, commons

RGAN (Ralph G. Anderson) Second Floor

Innovation Center Showcase and 3D Printed Lego People!, Innovation Center, Director Klein, 3D-printed people, (overview video), room 202

ASTeCC (Advanced Science & Technology Commercialization Center) Basement
Nanoscale 3D Printing, Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Prof. Hastings, room 008

ASTeCC (Advanced Science & Technology Commercialization Center) Second Floor

Moisture Sensors and Electronic Circuits in 3D Knit Fabric, Prof. Chen



This document with all links is available online at https://Aggregate.Org/EDay25