Notice for WWW content at
In general, all new content on the WWW pages served by is created and maintained by Professor Henry G. (Hank) Dietz and his research associates, who are solely responsible for both form and content. Most software and other research products that we develop are released into the public domain to encourage their widespread use; see the specific packages for details. However, unless otherwise noted, content posted is intended for personal use only and may be subject to use restrictions under copyright.
As the WWW has grown, electronic document copyright issues have become more complex... although generally more liberal. The IEEE position on this subject requires a notice like:
Copyright 199x IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
This seems reasonable, and the above notice applies to any versions of IEEE copyrighted material posted at this site. Generally similar conditions apply to copyrighted material with other owners (works related to publications appearing in ACM proceedings, Springer-Verlag lecture notes, etc.).
The volatility of some WWW sites has made it prudent for us to create locally-cached copies of certain content (much as Google caches content). In such cases, we attempt to fully credit and encourage use of the original source. Of course, cached content is a mechanically-produced copy; we claim neither the rights nor responsibilities of authorship and will remove cached content if the owner requests it.
From an academic point of view, caching is not simply a matter of avoiding the inconvenience caused when content moves or otherwise becomes unavailable from the original URL. Cached copies help us avoid problems relating to what happens when the document at a URL that we reference is significantly altered or replaced by a different document without our knowledge. For example, the relevant portion of content at a specific URL may be replaced with irrelevant, contradictory, or even offensive material. We hope that more sophisticated techniques for citing content will be developed to reduce or eliminate these problems, but caching is currently our most viable option.
Although multiple people are involved in the creation and
maintenance of this WWW site, please send any comments,
suggestions, or questions via email to:
Alternatively, Professor Dietz can be reached at:
Professor Hank Dietz University of Kentucky, College of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department 453 Anderson Hall (Office 469 Anderson Tower, Lab 672 Anderson Tower) Lexington, KY 40506-0046 Office Phone: (859) 257 4701 Lab Phone: (859) 257 9695 Fax: (859) 257 3092