References: CPE380 Pipelined Design
The lecture slides as a PDF
provide a good overview of everything and including a Verilog
implementation showing how things are done in
approximate detail. I don't expect students to be able
to work with the pipelined design in as much detail as I
expected for the single-cycle design; there are way too many
options and interactions.
The book also does a nice job on this... if you have any
doubts, it's a great reference for most of this. I don't expect
you to be able to design a state-of-the-art pipelined
architecture from our quick and somewhat superficial coverage,
but you should have a basic understanding of:
Basic pipelining
Dividing a single-cycle design into equal-delay stages,
adding buffers between stages
Control by moving single-cycle control signals
through the pipe stages along with data
Pipeline performance and the concepts associated with pipeline
bubbles (NOP insertion, hardware interlocks)
The MIPS pipeline discussed in class and in the text
The concepts of VLIW and "superscalar" pipelining --
feeding multiple pipelines simultaneously
Structural hazards & how to fix them (e.g., add hardware)
Data dependence issues:
Read-after-write dependences and value forwarding
Write-after-write and write-after-read dependences
and register renaming
compile-time code scheduling and
hardware scheduling (out-of-order execution)
Control dependence issues:
Computation of branch target addresses (from offsets),
delayed branches, and BTBs (Branch Target Buffers)
Branch prediction; always not-taken, always taken, always taken
AND not taken, always taken if backward, compiler-marked
instructions for branch-usually-taken or
branch-usually-not-taken, and history schemes (e.g., using a
Branch History Buffer -- BHB) such as the two-bit (four state)
predictor discussed in class
The issues involving side-effects for instructions that
were incorrectly executed (incorrectly predicted)
The concepts of how to structure a Verilog implementation of a
pipeline, especially the "owner computes" concept
How to make sense of pipeline structures in processor
architecture diagrams like:
Computer Organization and Design.