This is the official home page for Fall 2007 EE 599-004/699-003, "Computer Systems." There is only one meeting time and place, TuTh from 9:30 - 10:45 in C053 OHR.

All course materials will be posted here and/or distributed in class. Materials available for this semester include:

  1. Overview (like the poster)
  2. ABET-style syllabus
  3. Dietz's undergrad compilers notes (PS, PDF)
  4. Overview of Static vs. Dynamic issues
  5. Linux Device Drivers book describing how kernel 2.6 drivers work

All projects are submitted via HTML forms....

  1. Use this form to register with the server
  2. The Lexer is due October 19, 2007
  3. The Parser is due October 25, 2007
  4. The Compiler is due November 9, 2007
  5. The Assembler is due November 30, 2007
  6. The C-to-Gates Compiler is due December 11, 2007

Course Staff

Professor Hank Dietz has his office in 469 FPAT (phone 257 4701) and research labs in DVT, FPAT, and the KU building. He has an "open-door" policy that whenever his door is open and he's not busy with someone else, he's available. Hank's schedule is at, which also shows live sensor info about his availability. Alternatively, you also can email to make an appointment.