Spring 2021 CPE380 Assignment 1

Sample solution.

  1. For this question, check all that apply. Which of the following five statements about current computer hardware is/are true?
    A hard disk should outlast an SSD in an application that is continually rewriting data
    A modern processor typically runs with a clock period under 1ns
    Cost of a chip tends to dramatically increase with a larger die
    An optical mouse actually contains a high-speed camera
    Main memory in a PC is volatile
  2. For this question, check all that apply. Which of the following five choices is/are among the "eight great ideas" discussed in class and the text's first chapter?
    Making families of compatible processors using the concept of an ISA
    a good idea, but not one of the 8 listed...
    Using guesses about program behavior to improve performance
    Anticipating how computer technology will change over time
    Programming in high-level languages
    a good idea, but not one of the 8 listed...
    Redundancy for reliability
  3. For this question, check all that apply. Which of the following statements about how computer technology has been changing over the last few decades is/are true?
    Supercomputers on the Top500 list nearly double performance every year
    Compared to memory access speed, arithmetic is getting faster
    Power consumption per transistor has been decreasing
    unfortunately, not as fast as transistors/chip is increasing
    The number of transistors/chip is increasing
    Disk capacity has been getting larger
  4. For this question, check all that apply. Which of the following things is/are associated with each Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)?
    Number of clock cycles/instruction
    this is a free choice for implementors
    Processor clock frequency
    this is a free choice for implementors
    Assembly language
    Operating system
    most OS can run on any of a variety of ISAs
    Machine Code
  5. For this question, check all that apply. Which of the following statements is/are true?
    Zin only makes sense in a state where the ALU is doing something (e.g., ALUadd)
    The MFC signal indicates that the most recent memory fetch request completed
    A multiplexor can be built using a decoder and tri-state drivers
    this is how we usually build them, and how me interface to a shared bus
    DRAM usually takes less power per bit held than SRAM
    DRAM holds charge on a capacitor, SRAM uses a digital feedback circuit (e.g., D flip-flop)
    Allowing a few simultaneous readers from a bus is easy
  6. Given this processor hardware design, add control states to the following to implement an OR-with-immediate instruction (as decoded by the when below), such that ori $rt,$rs,immed yields rt=(rs|immed). This is actually a MIPS instruction, as we'll discuss later. Hint: it's a lot like the addi given to you, isn't it? You should add initial values and test your design using the simulator before submitting it here.

    You can test your code with:


    Register $10 should end-up holding the value 0x00000007 (7 decimal).

  7. Exchange instructions are commonly used for synchronizing multiple processes sharing a processor. Given this processor hardware design, add control states to the following to implement an exchange-with-memory (as decoded by the when below), such that xchg $rt,($rs) swaps the values in mem[rs] and rt. Hint: you'll need to use a temporary register... perhaps Y? You should add initial values and test your design using the simulator before submitting it here.

    You can test your code with:


    Memory MEM[80] should end-up holding the value 0x00000259 (601 decimal) and register $2 should end-up holding 0x0000002a (42 decimal).

  8. Given this processor hardware design and the control sequence below, describe in words (or C-like pseudo code) the function of the instruction xyzzy $rt,$rs.
    when op() op(1) Xyzzy
     PCout, MARin, MEMread, Yin
     CONST(4), ALUadd, Zin, UNTILmfc
     MDRout, IRin
     Zout, PCin, JUMPonop
     HALT /* Should end here on undecoded op */
     SELrs, REGout, Yin
     CONST(-1), ALUadd, Zin
     Zout, ALUand, Zin
     Zout, ALUxor, Zin
     Zout, SELrt, REGin, JUMP(Start)

  9. Given the xyzzy $rt,$rs instruction as defined above, and assuming that a memory load request takes 2 clock cycles to complete (after MEMread has been issued), how many clock cycles would it take to execute each xyzzy instruction? You may use the simulator to get or check your answer. In any case, give and briefly explain your answer here:
  10. Given this processor hardware design, suppose that the following control state is the limiting factor in determining the maximum clock speed. Given that the propagation delay associated with Zin is 1ns, CONST(1) is 2ns, REGin is 4ns, SELrd is 8ns, and ALUadd is 16ns, what is the period (in nanoseconds) of the fastest allowable clock? You may use the simulator to get or check your answer. In any case, give and briefly explain your answer here:
    ALUadd, CONST(1), Zin, SELrd, REGin

  11. Given this processor hardware design, add control states to the following to implement a multiply-by-4 instruction (as decoded by the when below), such that mul4 rd makes rd=4*rd;. Note that there is no multiplier per se in the ALU. You should add initial values and test your design using the simulator before submitting it here.

    You can test your code with:


    Register $5 should end-up holding the value 0x00000008 (8 decimal)

  12. What high-level languages call goto is usually called a jump instruction in assembly language. The catch is that you can't have a 6-bit opcode and a 32-bit (immediate) memory address fit in one 32-bit instruction. MIPS handles this a little strangely, so let's make a more normal jump instruction called jump, which takes two words. The first is the instruction with the opcode, the second is just the 32-bit jump target address. Thus, jump 0x12345678 would be encoded as two words: 0x10000000 and 0x12345678. Executing that instruction would make the next instruction be taken from memory address 0x12345678. Add states to the following to implement the jump instruction.

    You can test your code with:

    MEM[0]=op(32) /* Jmp */
    MEM[4]=800   /* to address 800 */

    The simulator should stop after failing to decode the instruction fetched from MEM[800], at which time the PC should hold 804, which is 0x00000324.

CPE380 Computer Organization and Design.