KAOS Supercomputer Machine Room, 672 Anderson Tower

A high-performance computing system is not created by accident, but by the careful design and implementation of interactions between Compilers, Hardware Architectures, and Operating Systems. The University of Kentucky's KAOS group works to create, demonstrate, and disseminate technologies that can improve performance or provide new capabilities by integrating different aspects of computer system design. This systems research is not limited to systems hardware and software, but also includes working with application developer collaborators to port, tune, and enhance their codes.

Engineering, prototyping, and evaluating new supercomputing technologies requires that KAOS construct and operate a variety of supercomputers configured to facilitate our research. Thus, we need to have a laboratory that not only can house a variety of experimental supercomputers, but also can make it easy for us to access, measure, and modify the system hardware and software. The KAOS Supercomputer Machine Room, 672 Anderson Tower, is a laboratory designed to provide for precisely these needs. As of August 2003, the KAOS Supercomputer Machine Room houses two record-breaking supercomputers: KLAT2 (Kentucky Linux Athlon Testbed 2) and KASY0 (Kentucky ASYmmetric Zero).

Vital Statistics

Room Number
672 Anderson Tower (formerly Anderson Hall)
Phone Number
(859) 257 9695
Hank Dietz
Additional emergency contact
Tim Mattox, "senior" RA
Approximate sq. ft.
Miscellaneous info.
Extra power & air conditioning for supercomputers;
"It's all one big wiring closet."

The Aggregate. The only thing set in stone is our name.