Computer hardware has been evolving...

so should the way you program.

Home Page of Spring 2003 EE599/EE699:
(Advanced) Program Optimization & Parallelization

This is the official home page for both EE599 and EE699. The strange combination of two courses sharing lectures is in direct response to SACS requirements that seem to require undergraduate and graduate students to have separate course requirements when taking a course covering similar material. We'll see how this arrangement works....

All course materials will be posted here.

Materials available for this semester include:

Course Staff

Professor Hank Dietz has an office in 469AH (phone 257 4701) and a lab in 672 Anderson Hall (phone 257 9695). He has an "open-door" policy that whenever his door is open and he's not busy with someone else, he's available. Hank's schedule is at, but you also can call or email to make an appointment.

Advanced Program Optimization & Parallelization.