SWAGAC07 Compiler

This final phase of the project is described in detail in the handout (PDF).

There also is an online version for you to play with at http://cgi.aggregate.org/cgi-bin/swagac07.cgi. Don't worry about making your code exactly match that generated by the online version; we're looking for the functionality to be approximately the same. Even minor functional differences in terms of incorrect stack offsets will be forgiven because the PDF handout above actually contained such errors....

Submission Procedure

After you have registered with the server, submit the tarball here:

Your email address is .

Your password is .

Type your "section"; 1 for EE599, 2 for EE699:

Although this is not a secure server, users are bound by the UK code of conduct not to abuse the system. Any abuses will be dealt with as serious offenses.

http://aggregate.org/CS/ Computer Systems