References: CPE380 Introduction
The introductory slides I
used in the lectures are the primary reference.
To familiarize everyone with the "guts" of a computer, I like to
begin with a guided tour through the parts of a PC. There are
lots of similar walk-throughs available on the WWW and
elsewhere. I've also collected a few overview
diagrams showing what's inside a PC and processor. These
diagrams are getting old, but they show the logical organization
of single-core systems and are thus simpler and easier to
understand without being too misleading about how the latest
multi-core systems work.
The book gives a reasonable introduction and defines a lot of
terminology. We cover some of that terminology now, but we'll be
covering more terminology throughtout this course as we start
each new topic. The following links provide additional history
and context references.
Many technical and research papers, and historically significant
documents, are available online from a wide range of
organizations, including IEEE and ACM. For example, what became
known as "Moore's Law" was really the predictions in Gordon E.
Moore's article, Cramming more components onto integrated circuits. You
might not be able to get that paper for free without using a
subscription -- and UK has many subscriptions you can directly
access. Until July 17, 2023, that access was done by inserting at the end of the
site address in the URL, and you'll find many online documents
still referencing that, but it no longer works. Instead, access
is now done using OpenAthens. To access a
paper, append the URL of the document you want to:
For example, if you would like to read the article PDF, you can
use OpenAthens to access Moore's article as:
One of many interesting history sites is The Computer Museum
History Center.
Historic Computer Simulations is just what it sounds like;
you can run programs on a simulated Zuse Z3, ENIAC, etc.
Blinkenlights has a cute little summary of the history of
personal computing.
Intel Museum: Decades of Innovation discusses Intel's role
in the history of microprocessors. Note that Intel frequently
re-arranges their site, so the link above breaks/changes fairly
often. Here
is reference that will get you more detailed information on
Intel processors, although getting details takes a lot of clicks
from there.
Intel also has a variety of nice materials overviewing how chips
are made -- but again frequently re-arranges their site. A PDF
slide show with some excellent illustrations is:
From Sand to Silicon "Making of a Chip" Illustrations.
That's from 2011 so, hopefully, it will stay put... ;-)
Tom's Hardware maintains a very impressive collection of info
about computer technologies. For example, this is a great place
to look for info on the latest processors, GPUs, etc., -- or
even just an overview of CES 2025. They also have incredibly
detailed summaries of characteristics of most
commercially-released processors; here is a circa 2004 version.
Computer Organization and Design.