Parallel Bit Pattern Computing
Parallel Bit Pattern (PBP) computing is a new model of computation aiming to
dramatically decrease power consumed per unit computation. It also is inspired
by Quantum computing, and can claim many of the same potential benefits --
despite not requiring use of exotic implementation methods such as quantum
phenomena. An efficient PBP system can be built using conventional digital
logic, and it can be efficiently simulated on conventional computers.
The photo above is of KREQC 16, Kentucky's
Rotationally Emulated Quantum Computer, a 3D-printed physical simulator
for a 16-way entangled 16-Qubit system... which actually runs on a single core
of an old laptop using the PBP execution model.
Papers and Presentations
H. Dietz,
Wordless Integer and Floating-Point Computing
(PDF slides),
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing workshop,
October 14, 2022
H. Dietz,
Solace of Quantum
(PDF slides),
invited talk at Lexington ASME chapter meeting,
July 14, 2022
H. Dietz, P. Eberhart, and A. Rule,
Basic Operations And Structure Of An FPGA
Accelerator For Parallel Bit Pattern Computation
(PDF paper),
IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2021),
December 2, 2021
H. Dietz,
Tangled: A Conventional Processor
Integrating A Quantum-Inspired Coprocessor
(PDF slides,
PDF paper),
50th International Conference on Parallel Processing,
August 9, 2021
H. Dietz, A. Shafran, and G. Murphy,
A Quantum-Inspired Model For Bit-Serial SIMD-Parallel Computation
(PDF slides,
PDF preprint),
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing,
October 15, 2020
H. Dietz,
Parallel Bit Pattern Computing
(PDF slides,
PDF preprint),
Workshop on Computing with Unconventional Technologies (CUT)
at the 10th International
Green and Sustainable Computing Conference,
October 21, 2019
H. Dietz,
A Gate-Level Approach To Compiling For Quantum Computers
(the "extended dance remix version")
(PDF slides,
video at nanoHUB),
Purdue University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
February 15, 2019
H. Dietz,
A Gate-Level Approach To Compiling For Quantum Computers
PDF slides),
University of Kentucky Computer Science Department
Keeping Current seminar,
February 13, 2019
H. Dietz,
A Gate-Level Approach To Compiling For Quantum
(PDF slides),
The 9th
International Green And Sustainable Computing Conference,
October 22-24, 2018
H. Dietz,
How Low Can You Go?
(PDF preprint),
Compilers and Languages for Parallel Computing,
October 11-12, 2017
PBP C++ Library
There is now a C++ library implementing a fairly rich set of pint and
pbit operations. It is available here under CC BY 4.0. Versions
A simple demonstration program is also available under CC BY 4.0. Versions
Current: now included in the tar file, along with library validation code
20220704: pbpdemo20220704.cpp initial version
There is also a 3-panel, single sheet, reference card for the PBP C++ library. Versions
The current reference card is also available as PNG page images:
Presentations and Publications
The following are the most relevant presentations and publications, in reverse
chronological order.
December 2, 2021, we virtually presented Basic Operations And
Structure Of An FPGA Accelerator For Parallel Bit Pattern Computation at
IEEE International Conference on Rebooting
Computing (ICRC 2021)
August 9, 2021, Prof. Dietz virtually presented "Tangled: A Conventional
Processor Integrating A Quantum-Inspired Coprocessor," at ICPP 2021 (slides, paper).
October 15, 2020, Dietz presented A Quantum-Inspired Model For Bit-Serial
SIMD-Parallel Computation (slides, preprint) at LCPC 2020 Conference
(virtually hosted by Stony Brook University).
October 21, 2019, Prof. Dietz gave the talk, Parallel Bit Pattern Computing
(slides, paper preprint), at the Workshop on Computing with Unconventional Technologies (CUT) at the 10th International Green and Sustainable
Computing Conference
February 15, 2019, Prof. Dietz gave the talk, A Gate-Level Approach To
Compiling For Quantum Computers (PDF
slides, video at nanoHUB), at the Purdue University School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering. This is the "extended dance remix version" of the
previous talk by the same name.
February 13, 2019, Prof. Dietz gave the talk, A Gate-Level Approach To
Compiling For Quantum Computers (video, PDF slides), at the
University of Kentucky Computer Science Department's Keeping
Current seminar.
December 13, 2018, KREQC
(pronounced "creek") is Kentucky's Rotationally Emulated Quantum
Computer. This 6-qubit quantum computer is driven by servos rather than
exotic physics, but it provides a very visible way to understand quantum
computing. Both a complete simulator and the actual hardware are freely
available for anyone to run programs via the WWW interface; the simulator
gives complete trace and results, running on the hardware returns a video of
the run.
KREQC (pronounced "creek") is Kentucky's Rotationally
Emulated Quantum Computer. It's a bit of a joke, but it's also a great way to
be introduced to the fundamentals of Quantum computing as a computing model,
as opposed to the interesting physics that underlie Quantum computer
October 22-24, 2018, Presented A Gate-Level Approach To Compiling For
Quantum Computers at The 9th
International Green And Sustainable Computing Conference. The full paper
is available from the conference site and slides from our presentation are
available here as a PDF.
October 11-12, 2017, Prof. Dietz presented How
Low Can You Go? and will be on the panel Compilers and Languages for
Parallel Computing - What have we Achieved? at LCPC 2017. Here are my slides from the panel....
The only thing set in stone is our name.