Parallel Bit Pattern Computing

Parallel Bit Pattern (PBP) computing is a new model of computation aiming to dramatically decrease power consumed per unit computation. It also is inspired by Quantum computing, and can claim many of the same potential benefits -- despite not requiring use of exotic implementation methods such as quantum phenomena. An efficient PBP system can be built using conventional digital logic, and it can be efficiently simulated on conventional computers.

The photo above is of KREQC 16, Kentucky's Rotationally Emulated Quantum Computer, a 3D-printed physical simulator for a 16-way entangled 16-Qubit system... which actually runs on a single core of an old laptop using the PBP execution model.

Papers and Presentations

PBP C++ Library

There is now a C++ library implementing a fairly rich set of pint and pbit operations. It is available here under CC BY 4.0. Versions available:

A simple demonstration program is also available under CC BY 4.0. Versions available:

There is also a 3-panel, single sheet, reference card for the PBP C++ library. Versions available:

The current reference card is also available as PNG page images:

Presentations and Publications

The following are the most relevant presentations and publications, in reverse chronological order.

The Aggregate. The only thing set in stone is our name.