
The Aggregate refers to a collection of researchers and the technologies that they use to make the components of a computing system work better together. Since before our first Linux PC work in the PAPERS project, we have been considering all aspects of Compilers, Hardware Architectures, and Operating Systems (KAOS) together, optimizing system performance rather than performance of the individual parts. The only aspect of our computer system designs that is set in stone is our name.

Although the consortium has participants at various institutions, since 1999 it has been based in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Kentucky, in Lexington, KY. Want to visit our lab at UK? Email Prof. Dietz and put "Lab Visit" in the subject line.

Older Pebbles Of The Day/Week/Whenever

February 24, 2024 Welcome to E-Day 2024! We'll be having an open house for the entire University of Kentucky College of Engineering from 10AM-2PM. Unfortunately, our Marksbury lab will not be open, but we will have a couple of exhibits on the 5th floor of the FPAT building. An overview of the ECE Department's exhibits is here.

January 22-25, 2024 We presented two papers at the Electronic Imagining 2024 conference and also did live demonstrations of both. The paper "Leveraging Pixel Value Certainty in Pixel-Shift and Other Multi-Shot Super-Resolution Processing" included development of software called parsek, which now has a homepage here.

November 13-16, 2023 We had a major research exhibit at the 35th SC conference: IEEE/ACM SC23 Supercomputing conference in Denver, CO. There we showed KES (Kentucky Entangled Superposition), a new demonstration of how our PBP model differs from the quantum computing that inspired it, and also the first (non-working) FPGA-implemented PBP prototype, which is called PBPx4.

October 11-13, 2023 We hosted the The 36th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing in the Marksbury Building's Hardymon Theater.

July 25, 2023 At the NNCI Nano + Additive Manufacturing Summit, Prof. Dietz presented A Design For An Object To Be 3D Printed Should Be A Transformable Parametric Program and co-chaired Session D: Additive Manufacturing Technologies I.

June 14, 2023 In acknowledgement of their broad and long-standing support, the University of Kentucky College of Engineering is now named the Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering. The University of Kentucky, and the College of Engineering in particular, has greatly benefited from generous philanthropic support from alums who share our vision and deeply value our mission as the commonwealth's flagship university.

April 5, 2023 At Noon, Prof. Dietz presented "Wordless Arithmetic" as a CS Dept. Keeping Current talk.

March 20, 2023 At 6PM, Dietz and Eberhart gave a presentation and lab tour for the local ACM and IEEE student chapters (slides).

March 8, 2023 At Noon, Prof. Dietz presented an overview of his research (slides) to the CPE200 class in 253 FPAT.

February 25, 2023 Engineer's day open house for the University of Kentucky College of Engineering was from 10AM-2PM. Unfortunately, the Marksbury building did not participate so my lab there was not open... however, we had two exhibits on the 5th floor of FPAT: What is Quantum Computing? and Seeing 3D with those weird colored glasses. Come join in the fun!

January 16-18, 2023 In San Francisco, CA at IS&T Electronic Imaging 2023 we presented two papers and demos: ISS-334 "Digital Camera Obscuras" (slides) and MWSF-382 "Making Digital Cameras Less Attractive Targets for Theft" (poster).

November 14-17, 2022 In Dallas, TX at SC22 we presented our PBP research in the University of Kentucky research exhibit, booth #3013.

October 14, 2022 At the Illini Center, in Chicago, IL, at LCPC22 Prof. Dietz presented Wordless Integer and Floating-Point Computing (PDF)

September 24, 2022 Prof. Dietz today published a now "Featured" Instructable, 3D-printed Digital Camera Obscuras, and posted the relevant part designs as Thingiverse Thing 5502361. However, Thingiverse is failing to index some things, including this. Hence, we've also posted at Printables. This is a simple spin-off from some research involving obscuras, hopefully to be published soon.

July 14, 2022 At 5:30PM, Prof. Dietz gave a talk summarizing what's up with quantum computing at the Lexington ASME chapter meeting held at Suttons: "Solace of Quantum" (PDF slides).

February 9, 2022 At 4PM, Prof. Dietz gave a CS Dept. Keeping Current talk Noisy images and how to quiet them.

January 16-21, 2022 We presented three papers at Electronic Imaging 2022... which was held virtually online: An improved raw image enhancement algorithm using a statistical model for pixel value error (slides, preprint); ESP32-CAM as a programmable camera research platform (slides, preprint); and Capture optimization for composite images (poster, preprint).

December 16, 2021 Prof. Dietz has created a little interactive javascript page that details how to Select IBIS Zoom Focal Length... a pretty complete answer to a surprisingly nuanced question.

December 2, 2021 We virtually presented Basic Operations And Structure Of An FPGA Accelerator For Parallel Bit Pattern Computation at IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2021).

November 15-18, 2021 Although SC21 is still claiming to be in-person, the pandemic has discouraged us (and most exhibitors) from having physical exhibits. Some of us did attend online, but there wasn't a lot to see and we didn't really have anything live. Hopefully, SC22 will be better....

October 29, 2021 Way back in 2016, we created KREMY (KentuckY Raw Error Modeler), a free software tool that can improve raw DNG images. Well, there's a new version now, using probability density rather than simple bounds to constrain a texture-synthesis algorithm. Long story short, the new KREMY can dramatically decrease noise without introducing blur. Give it a try; there'a link to the WWW form version at the KREMY project page.

October 27, 2021 Professor Dietz gave this overview of his background and ongoing research for the CPE200 students.

August 9, 2021 Prof. Dietz virtually presented "Tangled: A Conventional Processor Integrating A Quantum-Inspired Coprocessor," at ICPP 2021 (slides, paper). This also was the 50th ICPP, so Dietz, who was Program Chair for the 26th, was also involved in some of those activities, including the Virtual Bonfire on August 10.

March 17, 2021 At 4:30, Prof. Dietz gave the CS Dept. Keeping Current talk Playing with a $7 AI-Thinker ESP32-CAM IoT development board.

February 27, 2021 The all-virtual E-Day open house for the University of Kentucky College of Engineering was a bit strange, but there still were some cool things to see and do online. For our lab, it was just this recorded video... but the good part is that you can access the video whenever you want.

February 21, 2021 We've now posted an LCLV driver library for Arduino. This is basically support software making it easy to do some of the things discussed in the ISS-120 paper cited below.

January 18-20, 2021 Come virtually see us at Electronic Imaging 2021. This year, we have three papers and a demo: 12:45 Jan. 18 Demo COIMG-025D demonstrated things from all three papers; 13:55 Jan. 18 COIMG-025 Mask recognition in the covered safe entry scanner; 13:00 Jan. 19 ISS-070 An ultra-low-cost large-format wireless IoT camera; 10:00 Jan. 20 ISS-120 Programmable liquid crystal apertures and filters for photographic lenses.

November 16-18, 2020 University of Kentucky / Aggregate.Org were supposed to again be exhibiting at SC. However, the pandemic made other plans. We do have an exhibit web page, and Professor Dietz was available most of Tuesday and Thursday via Zoom, at the link that was posted on our exhibit page.

October 15, 2020 Dietz presented A Quantum-Inspired Model For Bit-Serial SIMD-Parallel Computation (slides, preprint) at LCPC 2020 Conference (virtually hosted by Stony Brook University).

February 22, 2020 UK College of Engineering EDay Open House. Unfortunately, the Marksbury building was not open so our physical lab wasn't open, but we had stuff in the FPAT building (FPAT581).

January 28-30, 2020 University of Kentucky / Aggregate.Org is at Electronic Imaging 2020 with 5 papers: Camera unavoidable scene watermarks: A method for forcibly conveying information onto photographs, Characterization of camera shake, Camera support for use of unchipped manual lenses, Non-uniform integration of TDCI captures, and Senscape: Modeling and presentation of uncertainty in fused sensor data live image streams... plus a research exibit in the live demo session.

November 18-21, 2019 University of Kentucky / Aggregate.Org again exhibited at SC, booth 1242. Our exhibit included a fully operational 16-qubit-equivalent system. An overview of our exhibit is here. Here is a rather shakey hand-held video of it in operation; better still, here is a video of it running once it was reassembled back in our lab.

October 21, 2019 Prof. Dietz gave the talk, Parallel Bit Pattern Computing (slides, paper preprint), at the Workshop on Computing with Unconventional Technologies (CUT) at the 10th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference.

July 31, 2019 Prof. Dietz gave the talk, A Computer Engineering Approach To Design For 3D-Printing Manufacturability (slides) at 2019 KY Nanotechnology and Additive Manufacturing Symposium

February 23, 2019 Our Marksbury lab was not open, but we had demos, etc., over in FPAT for Engineer's Day (eDay) open house.

February 15, 2019 Prof. Dietz gave the talk, A Gate-Level Approach To Compiling For Quantum Computers (PDF slides, video at nanoHUB), at the Purdue University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. This is the "extended dance remix version" of the previous talk by the same name.

February 13, 2019 Prof. Dietz gave the talk, A Gate-Level Approach To Compiling For Quantum Computers (video, PDF slides), at the University of Kentucky Computer Science Department's Keeping Current seminar.

January 15-17, 2019 We are presenting four papers and a research exhibit at Electronic Imaging 2019. The papers are: COIMG-132 Autocorrelation-based, passive, non-contact, photoplethysmography: Computationally-efficient, noise-tolerant, extraction of heart rates from video (slides, paper); PMII-585 Credible repair of Sony main-sensor PDAF striping artifacts (slides, paper); PMII-590 Shuttering methods and the artifacts they produce (poster, paper); and COIMG-146 Self-contained, passive, non-contact, photoplethysmography: Real-time extraction of heart rates from live view within a Canon Powershot (slides, paper).

December 13, 2018 KREQC (pronounced "creek") is Kentucky's Rotationally Emulated Quantum Computer. This 6-qubit quantum computer is driven by servos rather than exotic physics, but it provides a very visible way to understand quantum computing. Both a complete simulator and the actual hardware are freely available for anyone to run programs via the WWW interface; the simulator gives complete trace and results, running on the hardware returns a video of the run.

November 12-15, 2018 Come visit us in our research exhibit at the IEEE/ACM SC18, in Dallas, TX. Among other things, we have a working 6-qubit quantum computer in our exhibit... amazing what you can make with a 3D printer!

October 22-24, 2018 Presented A Gate-Level Approach To Compiling For Quantum Computers at The 9th International Green And Sustainable Computing Conference. The full paper is available from the conference site and slides from our presentation are available here as a PDF.

September 4, 2018 Interested in working with our research group? Come by 108 Marksbury between 11AM and 1PM, Tuesday, September 4, 2018. We'll have food, show-off some of our "toys", and briefly discuss the main research areas. Undergrads and graduate students welcome!

June 1, 2018 A not too Bohr-ing atom is posted at Thingiverse. This OpenSCAD program builds 3D-print-assembled Bohr atom models that can freely spin in 3D (a gimbal).

April 18, 2018 DPReview published Sony 'striping': here's the fix -- a short article describing our software tool, KARWY-SR (currently a beta version, but quite usable).

April 4, 2018 Not from our group nor in any way affiliated with the University of Kentucky, but for those of you wondering what Hank Dietz's brother Paul has been doing, here is the shockingly cool answer.

March 15 and March 18, 2018 The Sony A7III suffers an occasionally-severe striping artifact... apparently, many Sony sensors with PDAF have this problem. In response to community requests, we've implemented KARWY-SR, software that credibly repairs this defect. Interestingly, KARWY-SR runs entirely on the local computer within a WWW browser using javascript. The 20180315 version should be considered an alpha test release; the 20180318 version is a fairly heavily-revised beta test version.

9AM-1PM, February 24, 2018 The University of Kentucky College of Engineering is having it's Engineers Day Open House. Unfortunately, the Marksbury building was not open for eDay... so you have to see our lab some other time. However, a lot will was going on, and we were over on the 5th floor of FPAT with our exhibit: Lights, Camera, Computation!

January 28 - February 2, 2018 We presented two papers and a research exhibit at the Electronic Imaging 2018 conference: Lessons from design, construction, and use of various multicameras (slides, paper) and Multispectral, high dynamic range, time domain continuous imaging (paper).

November 13-16, 2017 Come visit us in our research exhibit at the IEEE/ACM SC17, in Denver, CO. The GateRodders 3D-printed mechanical NOR gates that we printed and gave away at SC17 now have their design posted as Thing 2654691.

October 17, 2017 Hasan Seyyedhasani defended his MS Thesis, Intelligent UAV scouting for field condition monitoring, at 3-5PM in 102A Marksbury. All are welcome to attend.

October 11-12, 2017 Prof. Dietz presented How Low Can You Go? and was on the panel Compilers and Languages for Parallel Computing - What have we Achieved? at LCPC 2017. Here are my slides from the panel....

October 4, 2017 The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY is looking to hire computer engineering faculty. Here is the official job posting.

2:00-2:50PM, September 29, 2017 Prof. Dietz gave an ECE Colloquium Lecture Series talk, in the University of Kentucky's RMB 323. As Time Goes By. is about frameless computational rendering and image capture. Here are the slides as a PDF, which unfortunately turns the videos into a single still image each.

September 20, 2017 In response to requests, 30 years after it was originally published as the hardcopy PhD dissertation of Henry Dietz, we have reformatted and posted a PDF of the The Refined-Language Approach To Compiling For Parallel Supercomputers.

August 21, 2017 We split into two groups for recording the eclipse: one stayed at the University of Kentucky campus in Lexington, KY, while the other drove down to the Princeton, KY airport. We shot with 5 camera arrays and various individual cameras... only about half of which worked as we hoped, but that's enough. We've posted two "first light" unprocessed shots grabbed from 4K video: this one just before totality and this one in totality. Here are a few "ambient" shots at the airport with a fisheye lens; two of us with the cameras, the yellow (multispectral) array, an unexpected jet trail shadow (to the left) toward the end of the eclipse, and the green (HDR) array.

August 9, 2017 Just published Safely Shooting the Sun With the Canon PowerShot SX530 HS... we're using it for an entire array of cameras, but it's useful for just one too. After all, the scary things about eclipses should be superstitions and worries about crowds, not dealing with having blinded you and your camera because you viewed the August 21, 2017 eclipse without appropriate protection.

February 25, 2017 Our lab in 108 Marksbury is open for EDay 9AM-1PM.

January 29 -- February 2, 2017 We had four papers and a research exhibit at Electronic Imaging 2017. The papers are: A Canon Hack Development Kit implementation of Time Domain Continuous Imaging (full paper), Refining raw pixel values using a value error model to drive texture synthesis (slides, full paper), TIK: a time domain continuous imaginge testbed using conventional still images and video (slides, full paper), and Temporal super-resolution for time domain continuous imaging (slides, full paper). The full paper links now point at the official site, where the papers are freely available.

January 9, 2017 Paul Eberhart used a little laser to make Putin on the Ritz

November 14-17, 2016 We again had a research exhibit (our 23rd!) at the IEEE/ACM SC conference....

October 31, 2016 We've been quietly working with a little laser engraver.... Today we posted our Instructable, Making Your Mini Laser Engraver Safer And Better, which explains our simple mods, including some 3D printed parts (also posted, as Thing 1859303) As of November 5, there are over 30K views of this Instructable and Instructables notified us that they'll be promoting this workon Facebook; we've also just added a 10th step about placing a webcam inside.

September 24, 2016 Our HingePliers design is posted here; it's an experiment in metamaterial design. Also browse our 3D printing stuff at Aggregate.Org/MAKE

September 12, 2016 Interested is working with our research group? Come by 108 Marksbury between noon and 2PM, Monday, September 12, 2016. We'll have food, show-off some of our "toys", and briefly discuss the main research areas. Undergrads and graduate students welcome!

Summer 2016 It's a very busy Summer for Aggregate.Org. We're really moving on the TDCI computational photography research, but also on lots more from supercomputing to 3D printing. We'll be releasing a lot of goodies this Summer... so stay tuned!

May 25, 2016 KNITT is now available as a WWW form CGI. What does it do? Well, it helps you go from a logical supercomputer network design to a physical implementation -- for example, using GA technology to minimize the number of wires crossing between racks. We built our first such tools back in 2000, and showed a (simpler) version of KNITT at IEEE/ACM SC2012, but this version is a big step forward.

May 2016 You might have noted the return of and We're still reorganizing our WWW stuff (and machine room), but things are finally coming together....

May 11, 2016 We did a little presentation on computer engineering (and 3D printing) for the Henry Clay High School STEM club.... Here are the slides used.

Spring 2016 Prof. Dietz spent most of his time in upgrading EE480, the advanced undergraduate computer architecture course. The students not only implemented multi-cycle and pipelined processors, but even a floating-point unit for the pipelined version. A lot of online tools were created for the course; for example, here is a little thing that integrates running Icarus Verilog and Covered.

February 27, 2016 Our lab in 108 Marksbury is open for EDay 9AM-1PM. We're also giving free tutorials at 1:45-3PM.

February 16-17, 2016 We are presenting four papers at the Electronic Imaging 2016 conference. The papers are: Use of flawed and ideal image pairs to drive filter creation by genetic programming (which won best paper; published paper), Scene appearance change as framerate approaches infinity (PDF slides, published paper), Mixing and matching sensor format with lens coverage (PDF slides, published paper), and Sony ARW2 compression: Artifacts and credible repair (PDF slides, published paper).

November 15-19, 2015 Come see us at SC15! Our exhibit page says more about what we're doing, including a little explanation of how to solve the 3D-printed FNN puzzles we've been handing out. This year, our research exhibit is "University of Kentucky / Aggregate.Org" rather than "Aggregate.Org / University of Kentucky" -- the last year our group intends to be leading in putting together the university's exhibit.

October 26, 2015 Re-build party! We'll be re-arranging parts to make a 96-node cluster in 108A Marksbury. If you're a student at UK, you're welcome to join us; we could use help from 9AM-5PM.

October 9, 2015 End of days for HAK. We dismantled the 96-node HAK cluster and a 32-node Pentium 4 cluster in 672FPAT starting around 1PM. The useful bits of HAK went to 108 Marksbury to be absorbed into an upgrade of NAK.

September 25, 2015 We are proud to announce the posting of KARWY, a program that performs credible repair of artifacts in Sony ARW2 raw files using analysis of pixel value uncertainty and computational texture synthesis.

February 10, 2015 Prof. Dietz presented two papers (one talk, one poster) and a research exhibit at the SPIE Electronic Imaging conference. The papers are: ISO-less? (slides, slides) and Frameless representation and manipulation of image data, (full paper).

January 26, 2015 Our primary CGI server died. Thus, various interactive things were not be working.

January 6, 2015 We've been working with 3D printing technology for a while, but we've finally built some support software worthy of distribution. Trace2SCAD: Converting Images Into OpenSCAD Models is a simple script that automates creation of bounded-complexity OpenSCAD 3D models from 2D images.

November 17-20, 2014 We once again had a major research exhibit at SC14, in New Orleans, LA.

October 2014 We've been using CHDK (Canon Hack Development Kit) for many years, but last year created a reference card for it. It's now on the CHDK Wiki as CHDK Lua Reference Card, as well as being linked from Aggregate.Org's CHDK for Computational Photography page. There will be much more going up there, largely related to our Cameras as Computer Systems course.

October 10, 2014 At 1:30, we invited students who would like to learn more about our research group to join us in 108 Marksbury. Of course, folks are generally welcome to drop by whenever we're around the lab, but this is an opportunity to get a more coherent overview.

October 3, 2014 A new MAGIC algorithm has been added to test for a pair of integer values being within a given tolerance of each other.

September 10, 2014 Professor Dietz's Aunt Madeline is 100 years old. We had a website,, which was celebrating that and her travels, which have taken her to over 100 countries... but that site is now something completely different with which we have no connection.

March 13-16, 2014 Lexington, Kentucky hosted IEEE SoutheastCon 2014, which was not only an IEEE regional conference with all the activities you'd expect, but also continued the tradition of having a technical program with peer-reviewed papers. Copyright handling issues delayed the proceedings, but IEEE has everything and online indexes should be complete by mid October.

February 4-5, 2014 Prof. Dietz presented two papers and a research exhibit at the SPIE Electronic Imaging conference: Out-of-focus point spread functions (slides, full paper) and Frameless, time domain continuous image capture (slides, full paper).

January 16, 2014 Prof. Dietz presented A Poorly Focused Talk at the Creative Camera Club, Inc. of Lexington, KY.

November 17-22, 2013 We once again had a major research exhibit at SC13, in Denver, CO. This is our 20th year as a research exhibit.

October 22, 2013 We've started putting together materials on using CHDK for Computational Photography. Initially, there's just a CHDK Lua reference card, but we'll be putting a lot more there soon....

September 28, 2013 Prof. Dietz and Paul Eberhart gave a presentation on 2D/3D making for students in the YMCA Black Achievers program (PDF slides). Dietz also created a Prosthetic/Robotic Hand Printable As An Assembled Unit Without Supports for this presentation.

May 22, 2013 Prof. Dietz and his daughter have donated a birdhouse to The Arboretum's Birdhouse Display and Benefit Auction. Why is this here? Because the birdhouse was 3D printed in our lab. An Instructable explains how it was built.

May 5, 2013 Well, it was bound to happen sometime.... After all, we've always built stuff, and modern tools for 2D and 3D construction are very much a product of the computer engineering revolution. We now have the start of a subsite on making things.

May 2, 2013 Matthew Sparks has completed his M.S. in Electrical Engineering and his thesis, A Comprehensive HDL Model of a Line Associative Register Based Architecture, is now available.

April 8, 2013 Prof. Dietz gave an Abell Endowment distinguished lecture in computer engineering at Colorado State University, Cameras as Computational Devices.

April 4-7, 2013 IEEE SoutheastCon 2013 in Jacksonville, FL. Lexington hosted next year's conference, SouthEastCon 2014 on March 13-16, 2014; Prof. Dietz is the technical program chair.

March 16, 2013 Our first publication involving 3D printing: Instructable and Thingiverse postings of a printable camera mount for the MakerGear M2.

February 23, 2013 Our labs in 672 FPAT and 108 Marksbury were open for EDay.

February 20, 2013 Prof. Dietz gave a talk, KAOS and the FUJIFILM X10 for the UK CS department seminar.

February 5, 2013 Frank Roberts will be presenting a free and open seminar on KOAPing With The OpenCL API in 108 Marksbury from 4PM to 5PM.

February 4-5, 2013 Prof. Dietz will be presenting FUJIFILM X10 white orbs and DeOrbIt, paper number 8660-4, at the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging conference in San Francisco. The talk is Feb. 4, and an exhibit with a live demo is Feb. 5. Here are the slides and paper preprint.

January 29 - February 1, 2013 The KAOS Group Spring 2013 callout meeting will be held at three times to make it easier for folks to attend: 4PM Jan. 29, 11AM Jan. 30, and 2PM Feb. 1. You only need to attend one... well, actually, you don't even have to attend one -- just sign-up with the listserve, or chat with any of the group members.

December 21, 2012 Prof. Dietz's daughter has made a video for her science fair project, and is trying to find out how effective it is. The less-than-5-minute video discusses her rather unexpected findings about which colors capture more or less of the sun's heat. The video and a 10-click multiple-choice quiz about it are at (This has nothing to do with beyond the fact that we're hosting the custom-built quiz.)

November 12-16, 2012 Aggregate.Org will have a major research exhibit at SC12. We will be showing a lot of things, including NodeScape, KOAP, KNITT, etc.

October 24, 2012 A little overview of the Computer Engineering profession (PDF). I've also got va copy of the degree requirements copied here (PDF).

October 9, 2012 Would you believe yet another Instructable: Custom Lensboards For A Large-Format Camera. Logically the inverse of the back for using a mirrorless camera on the back of a large-format camera.

October 3, 2012 Would you believe another Instructable: Zero-Cost Built-In Bounce Flash. Really trivial, but a useful trick.

September 30, 2012 We've published another Instructable: Large Format Adapter For Your Mirrorless Camera. Yes, you should take this to be the tip of a large-format digital photography iceberg we're working on....

September 17, 2012 Callout meeting for participation in our research group (announcement PDF). Both graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to our meeting at noon in 108 Marksbury; pizza will be provided. There will be a brief tour of our 108A machine room followed by demos and overview discussion of some current projects in our group involving parallel supercomputing and digital imaging.

May 2012 After many years there, we are now moving out of 301 and 302 DVT. It hasn't been a well-utilized space since we moved into Marksbury, so the primary effect is that we no longer have to explain where DVT is.... ;) Secondarily, that's why you no longer see it on our sensors page.

April 17, 2012 Hank Dietz will be presenting a free and open seminar on NodeScape: Supercomputer Status at a Glance in 108 Marksbury from 3PM to 4PM. NodeScape is the thing that generates these displays.

April 2, 2012 The University of Kentucky's basketball team defeated Kansas 67:59 for our 8th NCAA national title. Congratulations to our team and Coach Calipari for demonstrating once again how talent, work, and especially teamwork make Kentucky better and often best. Sometimes, people don't see Kentucky, but through this win more people will See Blue.

March 21, 2012 Matthew Sparks will be presenting a free and open seminar on Line Associative Register Architecture in 108 Marksbury from Noon to 1PM.

March 19, 2012 Can you use some of our free compute cycles? Yes, UKAN! We are making some of the "uncommitted KAOS accessible nodes" freely available to collaborators and worthy projects... see UKAN for details....

March 7, 2012 DeOrbIt WWW tool is posted. We developed this free tool to make the dreaded Fujifilm X10 "white orbs" look more natural. We plan to release a full C source code version into the public domain as soon as tuning is done and a research paper on the method completed, but this WWW form version is now open for public testing.

February 25, 2012 Engineers Day Open House at the University of Kentucky. Various activities will be held and many labs will be open. Come visit us in 672 F. Paul Anderson Tower, our secondary supercomputer machine room, from 9AM-1PM. February 23, Lex18's Lee Cruise did a segment on us in the Marksbury Building, but due to logistics issues, the Marksbury Building will not be open February 25. Tours of Marksbury facilities can be scheduled at other times.

January 26, 2012 Prof. Dietz presented Reprocessing Anaglyph Images, paper number 8290-27, at the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging conference in San Francisco. Here are the slides and paper preprint.

January 25, 2012 Frank Roberts will be presenting a free and open seminar on KOAPing With The OpenCL API in 108 Marksbury from 11AM to noon.

November 28, 2011 KOAP: Kentucky OpenCL Application Preprocessor is now available as an "alpha quality" full source release.

November 12-17, 2011 Aggregate.Org will have a major research exhibit at SC11. We will be showing a lot of things, including MOG (MIMD On GPU), NodeScape, and KNITT (Kentucky Network ImplementationTopology Tool).

November 11, 2011 Prof. Dietz gave two talks at Microsoft Research in Redmond, WA. Both talks are now available online: The Benefits of Being Out Of Focus: Making the Most of Lens PSF and MIMD on GPU.

September 7, 2011 Meeting for UK grad & undergrad students interested in learning about our research group. Like the hardcopy announcement (PDF) says, we'll have pizza in 108 Marksbury at 1PM.

May 9, 2011 Our new machine room in 108A Marksbury is now reasonably operational... and we have a new tool, nodescape, that helps monitor everything. Here is the current status of the equipment in 108A Marksbury.

March 14-18, 2011 During UK's Spring Break, we are starting to power-up our new machine room, etc., in the new Davis Marksbury Building. Prof. Dietz now has his office in room 203, and the new lab and machine room are room 108 and 108A. Yes, we still have our old machine room in 672 FPAT... and both are quite full. ;-)

February 26, 2011 Aggregate.Org participated in the Engineer's Day Open House at the University of Kentucky; there were many activities, not just Aggregate.Org -- it's a neat way to spend a Saturday morning, and it's free.

Contact Cement

This site, and the research described, includes work created by researchers at a number of institutions, but the lead research group is KAOS in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY. Aggregate.Org is led by Professor and Hardymon Chair in Networking, Hank Dietz, who created KAOS out of the relatively well-ordered PAPERS Group that he founded in 1994 at Purdue University.

See this notice for information about copyrights, etc.

The current overview in the window of 108 MarksBury is this PDF.

The Aggregate. The only thing set in stone is our name.