
The Aggregate refers to a collection of researchers and the technologies that they use to make the components of a computing system work better together. Since before our first Linux PC work in the PAPERS project, we have been considering all aspects of Compilers, Hardware Architectures, and Operating Systems (KAOS) together, optimizing system performance rather than performance of the individual parts. The only aspect of our computer system designs that is set in stone is our name.

Although the consortium has participants at various institutions, since 1999 it has been based in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Kentucky, in Lexington, KY. Want to visit our lab at UK? Email Prof. Dietz and put "Lab Visit" in the subject line.

COVID-19 Update

April 4, 2024 Our lab is back to normal operation, but COVID-19 is still around. Risk is minimal with vaccination, good hygiene, and avoiding spread when you're sick. We also have a HEPA air cleaner running 24/7 in the lab.

Pebble Of The Day/Week/Whenever

March 5, 2025 At noon in the Hardymon Theater of the Marksbury Building Prof. Dietz presented "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Quantum Computing" as part of the Keeping Current Seminar series.

February 22, 2025 Engineer's day open house for the University of Kentucky College of Engineering was from 10AM-2PM. Here is the listing of exhibits from the ECE department.

February 3-6, 2025 We will be presenting four papers at the Electronic Imaging 2025 conference and also will do live demos of all four works. The papers are: IPAS-225: Construction, quality assessment, and applications of pixel value error PDF models; ISS-281: KAMF: An interchangeable-lens mirrorless camera made from a kid's camera; IPAS-236: Use of sharp image content to enhance sharpness of other image areas; and HVEI-204: Preservation of color metadata across transformations of pixel data.

November 18-20, 2024 Our research exhibit at the IEEE/ACM SC24 Supercomputing conference in Atlanta, GA marks the start of our 4th decade as an exhibitor at SC!

April 8, 2024 Prof. Dietz watched & photographed the total solar eclipse from Versailles State Park, IN, less than a 3-hour drive away. Photographing an eclipse is never as easy as it sounds, but we did get some pretty decent images. Here are a few using a Sony NEX-7 with an Opteka 500mm f/6.3 mirror lens on a Vivitar 2X teleconverter (the oldest of the rigs used): texture of the Sun early in the eclipse, totality, and Baily's beads & some odd flare. While much of the Sun was visible, the cameras were protected by shooting through homemade 3D-printed Astrosolar filters.

Older Pebbles... Older pebbles no longer clutter this page, but are listed here.

Major Quarry Sites

Other Stuff (for which we don't have a clever title yet ;-)

Contact Cement

This site, and the research described, includes work created by researchers at a number of institutions, but the lead research group is KAOS in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY. Aggregate.Org is led by Professor and Hardymon Chair in Networking, Hank Dietz, who created KAOS out of the relatively well-ordered PAPERS Group that he founded in 1994 at Purdue University.

See this notice for information about copyrights, etc.

The current overview in the window of 108 MarksBury is this PDF.

The Aggregate. The only thing set in stone is our name.